Who are we?

We are three semioticians hailing from Moscow/Athens, Paris, and Mexico City, who met in the tiny, rugged Greek island of Ikaria and decided to start an art collective of semiotic piracy to hack cultural meanings.

In an era of pre-packaged and performative ideas, fit for immediate consumption in social media, we share a passion for contexts that enable deep, unique, and often weird thought to come through, and we look for those contexts in our projects that often stand in the border of semiotics and art, experimentation, and design.

What are we doing?

As semioticians, our job is to take a step back into our own culture to analyse trends, symbols and patterns. We seek to understand different cultures, analyse how systems of representation relate to each other and identify the insights that will make a difference to brands, marketing, design and innovation.
We generally work for international agencies.
With semiopirates, we want to open up a space for experimentation, questioning, sharing and freedom, to bring another perspective and understand the world differently. The wall of change is our first collective project. It is not commissioned or funded by any organisation.